Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What is a Roth IRA?

Roth IRAs--passed into law in 1997--are a very popular way to save for retirement because investment earnings are tax-free.

With a Roth IRA, cash is contributed "post-tax" which means that the contribution (the amount you delegate out of your salary to put into the account each year) is made with taxable earnings for that year. This cash then buys assets (stocks, real estate, gold, etc.) on a tax advantaged basis. In other words, assets can be bought, sold, or traded within the IRA without incurring capital gains tax and without affecting the IRA holder's personal taxes.

Roth IRA holders may also withdraw the amount they contributed at any time without penalty or tax liability. When you reach 59.5 years of age, you can begin to withdraw from the account (take a distribution) without penalty and without taxes as long as the account has been open for five years. Unlike a Traditional IRA, with a Roth IRA, contributions may be made even after you are 70½, and you are not required to take distributions at any age.

You are allowed to convert any amount of funds from a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA but it will be taxed. The amount converted in a given tax year is added to your ordinary income for that year.

Given the unique tax benefits, Roth IRAs are a powerful tool to save for retirement to begin with. But you can maximize your Roth IRA further by self-directing your IRA and investing in alternative assets like real estate, precious metals, private equity and more.

Self directed IRAs are becoming popular in their own right and allow you to invest in assets you know and trust. For more information on Roth IRAs or self-directed IRAs, visit

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

IRA Plan Types Explained!

Saving for retirement is crucial and the IRS has provided several tools to help you do so.

The most common plan type is the Individual Retirement Arrangement or IRA. An IRA is like a bank account that you contribute to but can’t withdraw from until you are 59.5 years of age. As a bonus, the IRS has given IRAs special tax treatment to allow them to grow faster.

There are two types of IRAs: Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. With a Traditional IRA, contributions (deposits) are made with pre-tax funds and are normally removed directly from your paycheck. This type of plan is called a tax-deferred plan because taxes are paid when the funds are distributed (withdrawn) at retirement. On the other hand, Roth IRA contributions are made with post-tax funds and since tax has already been paid there is no tax on distributions at retirement.

Complementary to the above Traditional IRA, the IRS offers two employer plans: the SEP IRA and the SIMPLE IRA. These plans increase employee’s contribution limits and allow the employer to contribute to their IRA as well. The SEP IRA is normally found in small companies and lets employees defer an additional $4,000 and allows the employer to contribute up to 25% of the employees salary to the plan. With a SIMPLE IRA, the employee can contribute an additional $10,000 a year and the employer contributes 3% of the employees’ compensation (or matches their contribution, whichever is less.) SIMPLE IRAs are often implemented in small to medium size companies because they are much more affordable than a 401(k) plan.

401(k)s, unlike SEPs and SIMPLEs, have no relation to Traditional IRAs other than that funds from a past employer’s 401(k) plan can be rolled-over into a Traditional IRA. Due to their relatively high cost, 401(k) plans are normally found in large companies however the plan is much more flexible than the other plans.

Unknown to most people, the IRS allows a broader rage of investments than securities. In fact, the IRS code only prohibits two investments: life-insurance and collectibles. This means that real estate, notes, LLCs, private stock, gold bullion, (and much more) are all possible investments in any of the above plans. Although these are all allowed, most administrators don’t offer them because each investment is unique and there is a high time involvement working with the client. To invest in these types of non-traditional investments, you need to move your plan to a self-directed administrator that specializes in this field of investing.

For more information on self-directed plans and non-traditional investments, contact New Direction IRA at 303-546-7930 or visit us at